Children are eligible for our pre-nursery from the September after their second birthday and we ask that children attend a minimum of two mornings every week.
We can accommodate 16 children in our pre-nursery Duckling class and ratios are age dependent. For two-year-olds, our staff ratio is 1:4 children.
For children joining us for the full day, we are able to set aside a quiet space for children to have a midday nap.
Children are eligible for our nursery from the September after their third birthday and children attend a minimum of five mornings a week which increases to five mornings and two afternoons in the summer term.
Our Rabbit and Squirrel nursery classes can accommodate 16 children in each and our staff rations are 1:8 children.
Our Nursery School Day
Our morning sessions run from 8.35am to noon with a full day finishing at 3.15pm. We also offer pre-booked early bird drop-off at 8.00am and after school club until 5.45pm, which includes a hot meal.
Contact us
For more information about our nursery provision and to book a visit, contact Joanna Worsfold in our admissions team by emailing or call 01372 473 621.