The foundation for lifelong learning is built on exploration and play.
We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, nurturing communication, language, social skills, physical development, wellbeing, literacy and mathematics and a love for discovery through guided activities, exploration and messy fun.
Specialist teachers
Our pre-nursery and nursery children enjoy a wealth of activities with our team of specialist teachers including music, forest school, dance, French and ICT. They also have the opportunity to enjoy relaxing yoga sessions, gardening alongside expressive art and design.
Our children benefit hugely from learning outdoors. Stories around a campfire, bear hunts through the forest and making dens during forest school sessions are just some examples of our high-quality outdoor provision.
Immersive learning
Our speech focussed teaching techniques allow every child to express themselves using the knowledge they have built up in class. Sharing stories and making links to books captures the children’s imagination and extends their language and vocabulary. Singing nursery rhymes and going on ‘listening walks’ around our beautiful site introduces them to early phonic education in immersive and creative ways.
Tapestry Learning Journal
We use Tapestry Learning Journals to record and share special moments and observations of every child with our parents. Via Tapestry, parents can view personalised photographs, along with positive and informative teacher comments. In this way, we work in partnership with our families as their children grow and build up a treasured memoir of their early years learning journey.