What kind of pupil does well at Claremont? Will my child fit in? Will the school push my child if they need challenging, or support them if they need help?
These are some of the thoughts that every parent has when choosing the right school for their children, and we appreciate how difficult that decision is.
After over 100 years as a school, this is what the profile of a typical pupil at Claremont looks like…
Getting stuck in
Our ethos is about giving things a go and getting stuck in, and our pupils absorb this whole-heartedly! That’s why we offer a huge range of co-curricular activities outside of lessons, to allow everyone to find a niche they love, make friends and get the most out of school life.
Team players
Our pupils really care about others. It’s something we hear time and time again that Claremont pupils are known for their kindness and respect for others, and that’s borne out of our emphasis on teamwork and creating a pastorally-driven, supportive environment. We know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Celebrating difference
Our pupils are a celebrated mix of future artists, lawyers, sports professionals, scientists, entrepreneurs and fashion designers. Whatever their strength and passions, we’ll help pupils to recognise and celebrate them – and each other.
Friends for life
Our pupils become a tight-knit community throughout their time at Claremont. Testament to the tears and tight hugs we see on results days, leaving parties and day-to-day around our school, we see friendships for life being built every day here.
Find out more
If you have any questions about Claremont as the right fit for your child, please contact the admissions team and we’ll be happy to help.
For the Junior School and Nursery, contact Mrs Joanna Worsfold via email (admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk) or on 01372 473 621.
For the Senior School, contact Mrs Claire Williams via email (admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk) or on 01372 473 794.
For sixth form, contact, contact Ms Aline Norris via email (admissions@claremont.surrey.sch.uk) or on 01372 473 780.