Long before wider awareness around the importance of pupil wellbeing, Claremont sought to go above and beyond in supporting its pupils, and it is now one of the cornerstones of an education here.

Pastoral care, alongside our high academic standing and broad co-curricular programmes have built us up to the school we are today. We believe that when children are happy at school and are thoroughly supported based on their individual needs – they thrive. It’s also where confidence begins to take root and flourish, where elements like league tables and academic hothouses can do more damage than good. People tell us that you always spot a Claremont alumnae, and the description usually includes words such as positivity, kindness and being a real team player.

So this is how we weave our care and support into pupils’ day to day lives:

Weekly assemblies

Speakers focus on the importance of contributing positively to school and home, discussing the character quality of the month and celebrating pupils’ achievements across their academic work, sport and arts.

The pupil hub

The care centre and individual needs centre are both important facilities for our pupils and have undergone a significant upgrade recently. We feel that placing these two departments together in the same building, along with our dedicated counsellors, will create the ultimate support hub for our pupils.

PSHEE lessons

Every pupil receives weekly PSHEE lessons. Challenging issues are discussed openly to offer every pupil a growing awareness of their rights, responsibilities and ambitions.


Through relaxation and enabling focus, mindfulness is proven to improve performance across academic work and into sports and arts.

Our dedicated mindfulness co-ordinator facilitates sessions through PHSEE lessons, in Year 7 (a brief introduction), Year 8 (a five-week block) and Year 9 (further support). Key stage 3 lessons are often introduced with a brief mindfulness practice to help pupils focus, with further sessions available for pupils at the recommendation of the head of year and/or the request of a parent.

Additionally, there is an opportunity for both staff and parents to receive mindfulness training for themselves from our co-ordinator, on request.

Behavioural standards

Our standards are high, and pupils quickly develop and value respect for their peers, teachers, the school and wider society. We achieve this through a mixture of privileges and discipline, in a combination that we tailor to individual pupils.


Our staff have the combined knowledge and experience to support every kind of pupil. Lead by our deputy head (pastoral) and DSL, our heads of houses tend to lead on pastoral matters, supported by tutor group teachers. This team is further supported by our qualified care centre nurses, pupil voice mental health lead and head of IN, as well as a school counsellors to ensure a full complement of support at any time it’s needed.

The designated safeguarding lead for Claremont Fan Court School can be contacted at any time at: dsl@claremont.surrey.sch.uk.