Welcome to Claremont Fan Court School!

Whether you are starting the junior school for the first time or continuing your journey at Claremont, this page provides a wealth of information for parents, including downloadable forms, details about our uniform and equipment, co-curricular activities, music lessons, transportation options, and much more.

Some forms are mandatory for new starters to complete before starting with us, please fill these out below.

New starter forms for completion


It is essential that these forms are completed and submitted for each child prior to starting in September.

Emergency contacts:

Health information:

Our school nurses can be contacted via the Care Centre on 01372 473701 or email if you need help completing the medical collection form. If your child has a food allergy or asthma, please complete the necessary parts of the form:

Ethnicity/cultural forms

You may be aware that all schools have to complete census forms each year for the Government. Independent schools have been asked by the Independent Schools Council (ISI) to gather information regarding ethnicity and culture in order to analyse local and national trends and to help ISC schools monitor and improve their own practices and celebrate the successes achieved by their pupils.

Fan Court (Pre-nursery to Year 2) technology consent form

Tapestry is an online learning journal to record your child’s learning experiences during their time with us. Each child has their own Tapestry web page to which you will be provided with online access. Please complete the form below, and an account will be set up for the relevant parent(s) in due course.  Once logged in, please also take the time to fill out the ‘all about me’ section in Tapestry to help your child’s new class teacher get to know your child better.

Stable Court (Year 3 – Year 6) technology consent

Two year check (Pre-nursery children only)

Once your child has turned 2 years old they are offered two development reviews. One is carried out by the NHS, usually by a health visitor, and is called the Health and Development Review. The other is carried out by your child’s childcare provider and is called an Early Years Review at age 2.  Please complete the form below to let us know which if any of these reviews your child has already had.


Uniform and equipment information

Laptop and technology scheme

The school runs a compulsory laptop scheme from Year 3 to Year 11. 

Further information can be found here. 

Co-curricular clubs

The junior school is pleased to offer a number of co-curricular activities for children that take place before school, at lunchtime and after school. 

Please note that these are subject to change depending on the term and our club providers’ availability.

To see an example of our co-curricular clubs schedule, please click here for  Fan Court (Pre-nursery – Year 2) and here for Stable Court (Year 3 – Year 6)

Bookings will open for clubs in September 2024.

Code of conduct form

The junior school has a code of conduct regarding attendance at co-curricular clubs, participating in and spectating sport which applies to your child, parents and any guests you invite to watch your children in sport activities.

Please complete the code of conduct form below:


Music tuition and form

Individual music lessons are available to pupils from Reception to Year 6. Please note that children may only learn one instrument within school time.

Fan Court (Reception – Year 2) music

Please refer to the information in the ‘Instrumental lessons’ document below before completing the application form:

Stable Court (Year 3 – Year 6)

Please refer to the information below before printing and completing the application form contained within:

Please return the form to Mrs Plant – for all Stable Court instrumental lessons or Mrs J Sitford – if applying for singing lessons

Notice to terminate tuition should be sent to the accounts department by the half-term holiday to take effect from the beginning of the next term.

Friends of Claremont (PTA)

Please visit the Friends of Claremont page on the school website.

In order for your Friends of Claremont reps to keep you up to date with events and information, please email the PTA at the above address with :

  • Your name
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Please include your child’s name and their year group


School transport

Transport via the school bus network is available to pupils in Year 3 upwards. The school bus routes and information are available below:

This includes the current schedule, which is subject to change. Please check this page frequently for the current schedule as it is regularly updated with new information.

Parents wishing to secure a place on school transport must apply by 29 May to guarantee a place on your desired route.

After this date, places are allocated, subject to availability on a first-come first served basis.

Portfolio award (Years 3 - 6)

Please click the links below to find out more about the Stable Court portfolio award: